St Thomas Township Volunteer Fire & rescue Co, Inc
34 School House rd, St Thomas, PA 17252
In case of an EMERGENCY
Immediately dial
Meat Raffle
Held every 2nd Friday of every month $15 per person - includes meal 12 rounds - 6 spins per round Doors open at 5 PM Meal served at 6 PM Raffle starts at 7 PM
Breakfast Buffet
Held every 4th Saturday every month
6 AM TO 10 AM
All You can Eat
$8 per person
Postoned till further notice
Due to the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus and at the request of PA Governor Tom Wolf, all activities scheduled to be held at the St Thomas Twp. Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company are as follows:
3The virus restrictions effect everyone, including volunteer emergency services. We continue to serve our community during this pandemic, it is who we are and what we do proudly. Our operating expenses continue even though our fundraising events have been cancelled. We always greatly appreciate the community's support but need your help even more today.
If you are able, please consider making a donation to the St Thomas Township Volunteer Fire & Rescue Co.
You may click on the Donate tab in header above on the right end or mail your donation to:
St Thomas Fire & Rescue, PO Box 46, St Thomas, PA 17252
Click here to read the article about the new tax deduction on the Donate page.
Thank you for supporting us and please Be Safe.
EMS Protocol
If you call 9-1-1 and are having symptons of the Coronavirus ( fever, chills, trouble breathing, persistant cough) please be aware that EMS personnel will arrive wearing respiratory masks, gloves, gowns and eye protection.